I'm talking about my blog -NOT A MAN- just for your information. But I don't really feel a need to explain myself considering about 5 people read my blog.
I feel bad for neglecting my blog for so long. Oh the perils of college life! I've been researching and writing countless research papers. I'm amazed that a human being can subsist on black tea and grilled cheeses with ham. Now when I'm up at 2 o'clock in the morning, I'm most likely reading a textbook and taking notes instead of watching random videos on Youtube. Although I still watch a decent amount of Youtube.
I don't feel much like a loser anymore. Somehow paying a ridicilous $95 for a USED math textbook and talking about how Mary Shelley uses both Romantic and Gothic elements in Frankenstein has a strange effect on me. Or maybe that strange effect is the blood that's running through my caffeine system.
Simple Act Development Exercise
3 months ago
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