Friday, August 26, 2011

Dear Unemployment,

You are something I am way too familar wth, like the sticky note in the bathroom tht reminds me I need to shave the back of my legs.

I fill out repetitive applications and still you don't reply. Day after day I edit my resume and watch bad reruns of the Tyra Banks' Show. As you can tell, my sanity is frail.

I'm not asking for much. Hand me a spatula, I'll flip burgers. I'm getting desperate here. I'm a Capricorn so you know I have a love of money!

I do have a confession though. . . I'm considering participating in a medical research study. . . or becoming a stripper (which ever is the shorter drive). The money would be decent and the pills would be abundant. Or maybe I could find a sugar daddy! I seem to attract older men.

I will forever have fond memories of being too poor for $1 Bud Light drafts and eaing ramen noodles every night. But in all honesty, I hope you go the fuck away and never come back.


Chelsea Lenae said...

Here here! It's a mess out there, in the same boat. =(

GiGi said...

Keep looking Girl! I hope you find something soon!

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